Monday, January 14, 2008

Nothing new and exciting

Each morning before I take the dogs out to the woods across the road, I check the temperature outside to see which coat I should wear. I was shocked and a little upset to see that it was all of 4 degrees. Bummer. I bundled up in my big down coat that looks like a comforter with arms and donned my goofy blue hat with braided earflaps and out we went. Patch and Miranda made quick work of their morning outdoor time and came racing back into the house. Spinner took a little longer but that may be because his back foot is still healing and he has to wear a plastic bag over the bandages for outdoor trips. He finally made his way back into the house, but Blayze stayed outside. I don;t know if she was so cold she got disoriented, but she kept wandering further and further away into the woods. I was afraid I'd have to go in after her. Finally she emerged in the driveway of the house next to the trees and was sniffing around their garbage cans. I walked down the road and yelled for her to come back and she darted back to the house so fast it was difficult to keep an eye on her. That's why we call her Crazy Blayzey.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Winter Vacation

I've been slacking off and taking it easy for the last week or so. We've been trying to get everything settled and back in order after Christmas. The whole house transforms for one dinner and it takes a lot of time and energy to get it back to the way it was. -Energy that I just don't have. I've been slacking and enjoying it. Michael has been home for the last four days so I got to sleep in and he has taken the dogs out for their morning run to the woods. Just as I was starting to get used to it, he went back to work. :-(
Now it's back to the daily grind. Speaking of grind, Michael went to the dentist today and had a molar ground down and a crown installed. He said it wasn't too bad except that some of the dentist's tools felt like they were cutting into his gums. I assured him even the toughest guys are allowed to admit that some dentist appointments hurt.