Saturday, June 6, 2009

We eat well

D has certainly helped improve my diet. Whereas a soda or pop tart would have been sufficient breakfast for me before, now I slow down and prepare an awesome breakfast with loads of fresh fruit for baby and me.
Every morning I make oatmeal with fresh fruit for D and I. She has her Gerber organic oatmeal for babies and I have Quaker old fashioned oats. I slice up a banana and give her a slice cut into small pieces so she can self feed while I prep everything else. She also likes tiny pieces of strawberry slices. I then start cooking my oatmeal while I mash a few strawberry and banana slices and maybe a couple blueberries. Once they've become a paste, I push the mixture through a mesh sieve with a spatula and combine the resulting fruity goo with her bowl of oatmeal and by that time my oatmeal is done.
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