Saturday, January 9, 2010

An absence from cooking

Here's what my new kitchen looks like. There will be a stove between the 2 skinny windows and a peninsula will divide the kitchen from the dining room. I cannot wait for it to be finished for several reasons. Our temporary housing has a tiny kitchen with an oven whose door gets so hot it burns little hands, so no baking. Hubby is doing all the work on the new house so he is home for 10 minutes after work and then he's gone until midnight. Anything I cook has to able to either withstand reheating or stay warm. There are only so many times you can blog about chili.
The new kitchen will be so nice when it's finished. I can't wait to sit down as a family for a meal and have a conversation with my husband. Baby D isn't talking yet, so our chats are kind of one-sided.
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