Monday, December 12, 2011

Owl stuffie

Why have I not made this sooner???
Not only is this a quick project (only took me 2 days) but I filled it with rice so it is now a warming toy. I popped it in the microwave for 20 seconds and now D and I have been passing it back and forth. She loves the novelty of it and I love that it keeps my perpetually frigid metacarpals warm.

That said, I now humbly admit that I am an ungrateful winner. Months ago (I'm talking May!) I won a drawing from a blogger whom I follow. I got a big pile of beautiful fabric all in fat quarter size and some big ric rac. The crazy part is, the giveaway was originally posted on my 5th wedding anniversary. Wow. I have been meaning to post about my big win for months now, but I told myself I wouldn't post anything without a photo of something i made with the fabric, in order to show how much I appreciated it. Well, in hindsight, that was a bad idea. Summer was nuts and my Mom and I made all of Bean's sunbonnets with fabric that she had on hand. That, and finding time to sew has been more challenging than I ever thought it would be.

This weekend I made a fox stuffie on Saturday and an owl stuffie on Sunday and I just finished it today. These are my confidence builder projects in preparation for what I hope will be a few Christmas presents.

I made up these patterns. They were inspired by other stuffies I have seen online. I should make more. I'm thinking a smaller rice filled hand warmer owl would be super cute.

So, in conclusion, head on over to 2 Little Hooligans website and check out her cool projects and giveaways.
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