Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Melted crayon pucks

I've been wanting to try these things since I first saw them floating around the blogosphere about 2 years ago. I'm sure the idea has been around for ages, but it's new to me.

The concept is simple enough. Take crayons that your little artist have broken (or chewed apart in some cases) and put them in a mini-muffin tin or shaped mould if you are in possession of such a cool thing and then melt in a 150F oven until they all melt together.
What I learned: Not all crayons melt at the same temperature. The difference between washable crayons, soy crayons, old crayons and whatever else it is that makes crayons so different will yield very different results in the oven. While some crayons still held their shape, others were starting to separate out their oils.
Next time I will break the crayons into smaller pieces. The fun of these is seeing the colors change as you draw a line.

My little artists were not quite as critical as me. D had fun coloring with these while Bean thought they were much easier to hold and munch on.
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