Monday, February 13, 2012

Literary Confession

For starters, I need to establish that my favorite books are the classics. I love stories like Silas Marner, Frankenstein, Tom Jones, etc.
That said, I had never read any Jane Austen. Shame on me, right? It gets worse. When I finally did pick up some Austen, it was actually Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. *sigh* I know... I know. I'm so ashamed.
What I'm trying to get at is that a week or so ago I caught a little bit of the movie Persuasion on TV and I was instantly hooked. (It didn't hurt that it featured a young Ciaran Hinds. Can you beat those cheekbones??) I had to know the whole story so I downloaded the novel on my tablet and proceeded to devour it. It was so good; and even though it had a happy ending, I cried when I was finished. Such an emotional experience.

This created a want for more period English dramas and I had heard about this show on PBS called Downton Abbey. I found the full first season on Netflix and the second on Addiction. I lost sleep getting caught up. The girls have been sick with this nasty cold that's been going around, so I've been up with them a lot at night. I would watch episode after episode in between times when the girls would wake up coughing. I've been physically tired and emotionally revved up by this amazing show. (The Bates and Anna story especially strikes a chord, but that another story) Now it's countdown to the season 2 finale and if they use the Bates story as the cliffhanger, I'll be apoplectic.

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