Thursday, September 13, 2012

Baking and aprons

While Bean was napping we made cookies. D loved throwing the ingredients into the mixer, breaking the egg and finally placing the M&M's on top.

The apron she is wearing is one that I whipped up without a pattern. I spent way too much time on it and made it much too complicated. But in the end, she loves it, so, Job well done Mommy!

My favorite part of this whole baking experience was watching the interaction between my husband and daughter. Hubby comes home from work at lunch every day. He's very firm with the girls that when he leaves they cannot complain or ask him to stay longer, he absolutely has to go. On this day, right after he had put Bean down for her nap and said goodbye, D ran up to him and asked him to run to the store for M&M's for her cookies. He stood there, arms crossed, looking very sternly at his daughter and I watched his resolve utterly crumble under the might of his tiny but formidable adversary. Her sweet little, "Please" was more than he could take. The hilarious part was that without twitching a muscle or changing his steely glare, he relented but demanded that someone be outside at the driveway waiting for him to drop off the candy because he was not going to come back into the house. Watching him be defeated by her was the funniest thing I had seen in a long long time. 
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