Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chicken Consomme

I think Consomme is a french word meaning, "crazy amount of work for a clear broth." It's a wasteful process but the end result is a flavorful broth with rejuvenating powers when you're sick, as I am.
I've come down with a nasty bug and am currently on antibiotics. Usually I prefer to tough it out and get over a cold without using medication but with a toddler in the terrible twos and a teething ten month old, I decided it would be best to get this illness over with as soon as possible.

The neatest thing about this consomme is the raft. You finely chop up ground chicken, a carrot, a leek or onion and some parsley and mix that with one egg white. This makes up the raft. You throw all that into a pot with some chicken broth and let it bubble nicely for about 45 minutes. The broth will bubble up through the raft and purify the stock while adding flavor. It come out very clear and tasty.

Skim off the raft and you are left with a wonderful broth that needs only a little bit of salt to bring out the best of it's flavors.
To give credit where credit is due I also learned this recipe from watching, "French food at home" with Laura Calder. She's awesome.
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