Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pinterest Addiction: Washing soap and birdnest necklace

I've become instantly addicted to Pinterest. Finally, I have a place to store all those great ideas that I see on the internet and try to convince myself to remember. I used to tell myself, if it's important enough, I'll remember it. That hasn't been working out in the past. But now I've completed a few crafts that I've pinned.
The girls and I have made our own laundry soap. Easy peasy recipe: 1 Cup Borax, 1 Cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda and 1 bar Ivory soap or Fels Naptha. I use a blend of 50/50 Ivory and Fels Naptha. I think Fels Naptha works better but boy does it stink!

The second project this week was a birds nest necklace. It felt good to make some jewelry again. I had to bring in my toolbox from the garage where it had been resting for over three years and dust it off thoroughly. It was kind of gross. Once I opened it I was transported to the way i used to feel when I was creating my own jewelry. I found bags of stones and shells I had collected on my travels. There were pink shells from Key West, purple and orange rocks from Cape Cod and green and white stones from Greece. The prize piece is a chunk of black volcanic rock shaped like a flat triangle from Greece. I have big plans for that. Just looking through my tools and beads, rocks and wire, was a flush of emotion.
Sadly, this is a hobby I need to mothball until the girls are much older. I decided to make the birdnest necklace because it was quick and simple. Very satisfying and I was done in less than 30 minutes. Then everything was packed away and will be stored in the attic until I have time to really delve into this again.
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