Monday, November 7, 2011

Pumpkin Ravioli

My husband spent all day Saturday working on the roof of his sister's garage. He worked extra late into the night to finish up all the stuff he could help on and then he decided to have a quiet day of doing nothing in the house with us on Sunday. My husband's version on doing nothing involves, "playing around" in the kitchen. He wanted to see if he could cook a pumpkin in the pressure cooker. He did. It took all of 10 minutes. Then he needed to do something with that pumpkin, so he made pumpkin bars and pumpkin ravioli. Oh, and he needed applesauce for the pumpkin bar recipe, so he made applesauce in the pressure cooker. Again, only 10 minutes, start to finish. He used my kitchenaid mixer food grinder attachment to finish the applesauce. Then he had a bunch of leftover apple pulp as the byproduct of making applesauce. He added peanut butter and flour to it and baked it into dog treats.

I made the noodles for the ravioli and shaped the final product. I had some learning to do. My first few turned out enormous. D wanted to help at every step. Hubby gave her her own chunk of pasta and they rolled and shaped the dough and made a little ravioli by hand. I think hers had the best shape out of all of them.
We made a sage brown butter and garlic sauce and with a little grated parmesan, and it was fabulous.

The girls were watching the tree removal company trim the trees around the power lines. I told D that people who cut trees for a living are sometimes called Lumberjacks. She now calls the tree guy, "Jack."
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