Thursday, December 15, 2011

Meringue cookies

Hubby has a new hobby. He likes to make pudding. last night he made butterscotch. (yum!) He used 3 egg yolks so he had 3 egg whites left over. Some quick internet research later and I had a recipe for meringues. They're just egg whites and powdered sugar whipped into a frenzy and then baked slowly at a low temperature. This is where I love technology. I was able to program my oven to shut off at 3am. Thank goodness, because I didn't get much sleep last night. Bean has a cold and she doesn't sleep well because of it. She's fine during the day but at night she coughs and tosses and turns and keeps waking up. It was so bad I moved D from her bed to go sleep with Daddy so Bean could rest with me in the girls' room. It's kind of a bummer to take a big step back in independent sleeping. Let's hope this cold passes quickly.

Yesterday we went to the mall to do some shopping for Christmas. D did a lot better than i expected. Her favorite part was when a lady at a kiosk selling hair tools grabbed her and started curling her hair. (Literally!! She had her arm and was leading her to the chair before she turned and said, "Is it okay with Mom?") D sat still the whole time and I have to admit, her hair looked so cute. I almost walked away with one of the curlers, but the price tag was more than my impulse buy limit.

Monday was D's big ballet recital. I've been looking forward to this for months. It went better than I had expected. I was nervous at first because she was completely unfocused and playing with her shoes all through warm ups, but when it came time to do the dance, she outperformed the older girls. She even did a bow at the end. I was so proud! She's looking forward to classes starting again in January.
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