Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homemade Larabars

Ever have Larabars? They're kind of like a Powerbar but more health conscious. I'm a fan of everything about them but the price tag. The ingredient list is so simple I had to try some for myself. I found lots of recipes online but none had a technique that worked for me. I'll explain:

The only ingredients in these bars are dates and almonds and some flavorings of your choice. If you have a food processor you can make these in no time at all, but follow these steps or you'll kill your food processor.
First throw in about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of whole almonds and pulse until they are chopped coarsely. The object is not to make almond meal, but to get all the whole almonds into pieces. The almonds must go in first or your processor will strain to turn the blades through the dates. It needs the almond powder to loosen up the dates. Then add about 2 or 3 Cups of chopped dates, a little at a time, then your flavoring and pulse until a paste is formed. By chopped dates, I mean whole dates that you have chopped into thirds or quarters. DO NOT buy the pre-chopped dates. They taste awful. You can find large tubs of dates at CostCo or more reasonable sized packages of Sunmaid brand dates at most grocery stores.

I like the gingerbread flavored Larabars best so I replicated that first. I added candied ginger and some ground cinnamon and cloves. I love candied ginger but it's pretty hot stuff. Take a small taste if you've never tried it before. (It's in the ethnic section of most grocery stores and its reasonably priced) I don't know how much I used, maybe 6 or 7 coin sized slices. I made 2 batches, one mild for hubby and the kids and one with more punch for me.

If you have the means you should try this. I found the ginger really helped settle my upset tummy. (I caught the latest bug that has been going around) The girls both like these and the cost difference is considerable. 
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