Friday, October 12, 2007

Dog on Steroids

The photo was taken on our trip back home. Patch's allergies were so bad he had developed an ear infection, his paws were hurting very badly and he was miserable. Normally I don't let him sit on my lap, but when he's not feeling well, he seeks me out for comfort. How can I say No?
Yesterday I took Patch to the vet for his appointment. We got there about 5 minutes early, so we got to meet a few other dogs in the waiting room. One was a docile 85lbs Collie-Shepard mix named Fletch. I liked Fletch, he a was a big lovable goon. The other was a 18 year old terrier mix named Scruffy. Scruffy was on his last legs but his owner said it wasn't his day to go to doggy heaven so he was there to pick up some things to help make him more comfortable. Patch cordially sniffed each dog and stayed right by me. I was surprised at how well Patch was behaving. After Scruffy and Fletch left, we were waiting for our exam room to open up when out comes this enormous white husky with dazzling ice blue eyes. Those eyes locked on Patch and instantly conveyed a message of "KILL!" I tightened my grasp on Patch while this recalcitrant Husky lunged and pulled his petite owner forward toward Patch. She somehow managed to wrangle her beast out the door and after one obligatory bark in response from Patch, all was calm. I kept assuring Patch he was doing a great job, but the real trial was yet to come. The tech led us into an exam room, took some information about his allergies and his ear infection, swabbed his ears and then we waited for the results. By the time the Vet arrived, there was a very nervous 60-lb puppy sitting on my lap. We hoisted him onto the exam table and I held onto his collar while the Vet checked him over thoroughly and asked me several questions. He and the tech then cleaned his ears and put medicated drops in them. At one point during the ear cleaner step, the Vet said, "You might want to step back, he's going to shake." Patch then showered us all in ear cleaner and goo. The poor tech got the worst of it. In all, through the whole thing Patch was quite the trooper. he didn't flinch or fight us one bit. His back legs trembled, but that was the only indication that he was not comfortable. The Vet actually said, "I'm just agog at how well behaved this dog is." (I'm not kidding, he really said, "agog") Oh, how my heart swelled with pride at the flattery. The Vet put him on a course of Prednisone for his allergies and I have to give him ear drops once a day for 2 weeks.
Even though Patch is often the hyperactive mischief maker at home, I really do love the big lug.
See folks- you really can take an unwanted troubled dog and turn it around to be a great member of the family.

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