Sunday, October 14, 2007

Porch decorations

This is my front stoop for the fall. The 5 biggest pumpkins, the white pumpkins, the little decorative gourds and the tall oval shaped gourds (what the heck are these things anyways?) came from our own back yard. The sorghum and the small pumpkins under the table are from Lent's Pumpkin Patch. The pile of rocks are the purple shale that I have to polyurethane before they start splitting apart even more.
I love autumn. The pumpkins, the harvest, the colors of the leaves and especially the cider. Mom bought us a half gallon of cider from the place we used to get apples pressed when we grew them on the farm. We brought it back to Minnesota and put it in the fridge. Yesterday I was reaching into the fridge for something when I passed over the cider, but the jug was tipped over and a little had leaked out. I grabbed the jug, afraid that it had been punctured by something in the fridge, but it wasn't, and the seal wasn't broken. I brought it over the sink and started pulling off the safety seal when the whole top blew off the jug and a shower of foam came pouring out of the jug. It fermented! I yelled, "Look honey! Hard Cider!" Mike said, "That's rotten apple cider. -And you're drinking it?!" It was the tastiest hard cider I had ever found. All those years of buying apple cider and trying different methods for coaxing a natural fermentation, and it happens all on it's own when I wasn't even trying. Just another treat in the fall.


Scavengergirl said...

That looks so nice Liz...I wish I were inspired to do something like that.

Lizzardmoon said...

Inspired to decorate or make hard cider? ;P