Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to me and Cleaning Closets

The photo is a little fuzzy because the camera was on the wrong setting for the picture we were trying to take, but it still shows you how my wacky in-laws sing Happy Birthday. That's my brother in law on the guitar. He's the nice guy who bought me a fancy bottle of wine for my birthday while I am 5 months pregnant. My reaction was, "Thank you, ...jerk".

Today the weather was gorgeous and we've been doing a lot of Spring Cleaning. Michael is renting a carpet cleaner to shampoo the carpets in the bedrooms. As he was cleaning out the closet he found Miranda's Halloween costume and put it on Blayze. She makes anything look super cute.
I raked out the flowerbeds around the house and put down 6 bags of mulch. I need another 4 bags to finish. Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

KansasA said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Well they say wine just gets better with age so you might as well stick it away for awhile :)