Saturday, April 26, 2008


I took this picture this morning at 8am. Michael took the dogs out while I started making rolls. The weather this year has been nuts. Wednesday it was 80 degrees (Fahrenheit) and now it's snowing! Arrgg!
The day started very early for us. Michael got a fire call at 6am (we usually sleep in on Saturdays) and then he came home at 7am and started working on a project in the garage. The dogs could hear him and they started barking and whining, which woke me up. So much for sleeping in.
I'm trying to make Buchty, or "Cheese filled sweet rolls" from the book Kaffeehaus. I had to make farmer's cheese for the filling from scratch. (It's not something we keep on hand). It was easy enough. I slowly boiled some milk (which smelled heavenly I might add) and then took it off the heat and added a little lemon juice. I'm winging this because I couldn't find a recipe with the exact proportions I was looking for. We'll see how everything turns out. If they're pretty, I'll post a photo.The photo doesn't do the taste justice. The rolls are like a buttery brioche. The interior is similar to a cheese danish but not as sweet. Overall, very tasty, but they took a really really long time to make.

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