Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Green eggs and ham

I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
I do not like green eggs and ham.

We're big Dr. Seuss fans around here ever since Baby D changed our reading preferences from "The Wall Street Journal" to "Hop on Pop". I think we now own half the books by Dr. Seuss. I try to grab them at yard sales and library sales whenever I see them. "The Lorax" is an impossible find.
I can recite "My many colored days" in my sleep, but "I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew" is by far my favorite. If you're ever having a bad day or things just aren't going your way, you should read this book. It will change your perspective for the better. Dr. Seuss is great like that.
But getting back to Green Eggs and Ham. This was something I made up just to use up some leftover ham. It's quick, easy and tastes delicious. The only thing I might change in the future is to add more spinach and chop it finer to give the whole dish more of a green hue.
Green Eggs and Ham:
(serves one)
1/2 Cup chopped leftover ham
1 medium onion
1 Tbsp Butter
1 Tbsp olive oil
3 eggs beaten
1/4 Cup finely chopped fresh baby spinach

In a skillet heat the oil and butter over medium heat. Finely shop the onion and add to skillet. Sautee until onions are softened. Add ham and stir with onions until ham is heated through. Beat eggs in a bowl and add 1tsp water. Add chopped spinach to eggs. Add egg and spinach mixture to ham and onions and stir until eggs are cooked and spinach is softened.
There's no need to add salt because the ham lends a salty flavor.

I do so like green eggs and ham!
Thank you!
Thank you, Sam-I-am!

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1 comment:

Lori said...

very colorful, maybe I'd add a red pepper for a little more color other than that, I like it.