Friday, August 24, 2007

Venison Roast with Onion and Apple port wine sauce

We were watching Iron Chef America the other day and the competition was wild boar. We saw a few inspiring methods of cooking one of Michael's favorite game meats, so I dug our last venison roast out of the deep freeze and tried to make a Czech inspired dish. I sauteed thick strips of onion until they were clear then I added a firm cooking apple. (I used Sundowner just because I had it on hand. This apple doesn't turn to mush at all. Granny smith should be a good substitute)I also added some chopped up carrot. I then dumped in a bunch of port wine and a smidge of molasses and let it reduce a little then added some beef stock and the roast. Simmer for at least an hour or until the meat reaches approximaetly 155 degrees. Sprinkle with paprika. I then removed the roast, strained the vegetables and used the remaining juices to make a gravy. The apple and onion side dish absolutely made this meal.

The accompanying wine was 7 Deadly Zins a wonderful Zinfandel. I highly recommend.

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