Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Packages in the mail!

Some of my favorite gifts come via airmail. This arrived the other day from my brother in Vienna, Austria.

It's an advent calendar with each day containing a toy from the popular European kids treat , "Kinder Uberraschung." (btw: spell-check thinks Uberraschung is a misspelling of Maraschino)
Each time I've visited Europe I've tried to gorge myself on these treats and the toys they contain have never ceased to entertain me. I still remember the first one my big brother got me when he was stationed in Germany. Now that my little brother lives in Austria, I have a steady supplier. I can't wait until December first now! Miranda is now wearing her holiday toenail colors. That's Spinner on the ground underneath her trying to sneak in and grab some attention and possibly score a belly-rub.

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